Information about +263978841

Trace Owner details of +263978841


+263978841 is business number, listed for Powersales. Powersales is a Clothing store in Zimbabwe. The contact address of +263978841 is Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Powersales business has a rating of 3.3 out of 5.

Business Name Powersales
Business Address Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Business Rating 3.3
Business Category Clothing store

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
263292881626 Edgars Stores
2639244912 Bonsa
263772234318 Choppies Jason Moyo St
263963746 Bulawayo MIDAS
263778161562 Fazak Gift Centre
Cell Number Business Name
263292264001 OK Mart
263715097450 Winfit Bulawayo
263966120 Janets Supermaket
263712910347 ODDMAN T/A Morningside Supermarket
+263 4 473 47 Lobel's Bread

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